
Friday, June 1, 2018

Vintage Donuts L.A. on National Doughnut Day 2018

Happy National Doughnut Day!  This posting may be loaded with empty calories, but go ahead and enjoy it with your coffee anyway.

Photographed in year 2000
The former Donut King at 15032 So. Western Avenue, in Gardena, as seen 18 years ago.  It later became Donut King II.

Google Maps image taken January 2018
James Black, of Lower Modernisms (see below) described the blotchy white surface on the big donut as "incomplete frosting."

Another blogger photo of the same donut shop taken in year 2000
761 So. Broadway near 8th, northwest corner, circa 1938-1939
Courtesy of the Seaver Center for Western History Research,
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History

The Mayflower Shop served Maxwell House coffee, and the corner neon sign promised to passersby that a cup of it would be "good to the last drop."

A close-up
Courtesy of the Seaver Center
Front and center in the group staff photo offered a donut-inspired saying done in the decorative Arts and Crafts style of the early 20th century:

As you ramble on thru Life, Brother,
Whatever be your Goal,
Keep your Eye upon the Doughnut
And not upon the Hole!

Lastly, attention is brought here to the defunct blog Lower Modernisms, by Architecture Burger.  Blogger and architect James Black organized a biking excursion to the eight great Giant Donuts of Los Angeles in 2016 whereby they visited all eight sites, but the group fell short of consuming donuts at each and every destination.

His final blog post on May 30, 2016 provided a deeper dive into the dough at the Donut Hole, located at 15300 Amar Road in La Puente.

It is too bad he no longer blogs - as this blogger enjoyed his wonderful photography, knowledgeable reportare and architecture lingo.  Perhaps with the conclusion of the hole-y donut pilgrimage - he was fed up.  Puns intended.