Kimball Chinese Laundry operated here in this San Gabriel Valley city long before the population swelled with Asians. [Update: a reader informed me that he was a customer for 30 years - it changed ownerships several times, in which the last couple of owners were of Korean descent. The business closed around 2009.]
Today this stretch of Temple City is a bridal gown mecca, dotted by Chinese-owned dress and wedding services with names like I Do Concepts and GP Wedding Shop and Photo Studio.
Kimball Chinese Laundry is from another era of the 20th century, a time when Chinese immigrants had an ethnic niche in the laundering industry throughout the United States. Chinese hand laundries saw its decline in the 1970s, particularly as permanent press fabrics came into use. But before its demise, the Chinese man in America endured a great deal of negative stereotyping as a result of the Chinese laundry.